NJMHI Reflects on 2004 Tsunami and Efforts, Impact Made

MERCERVILLE, NJ (Dec. 13, 2019) - A relatively little amount of
money can sometimes go a long way in helping thousands and
thousands of people in need. And that was certainly the case for
a New Jersey organization that took on the effort to help a
country on the other side of the world after it was hit with one
of the most devastating natural disasters of all time almost 15
years ago.???
The New Jersey Mental Health Institute, Inc. (NJMHI), based in
Mercerville, NJ, has proven that with the proper strategic
planning and oversight, you don't always have to be flush with
cash to help those in need.???
This story begins in the early morning hours of Dec. 26, 2004,
with most residents here in New Jersey safely nestled in their
beds.?Christmas day had been a mild one, with temperatures in the
state rising to the mid-50s, but it had been far from beach-going
weather. Half a world away in Sri Lanka, though, it was already
shaping up to be a beautiful day. With average December
temperatures in the 80s, the popular tourist destination off the
coast of India was full of holiday travelers and local residents
alike enjoying the beaches for which it's known.???
Debra L. Wentz,?PhD, and?the Executive Director of NJMHI?and
President and CEO of?the New Jersey Association of Mental Health
and Addiction Agencies, Inc. (NJAMHAA), was happy to be?among
them, visiting?for the wedding of dear friends. It was her third
trip to the country,?and she had?easily fallen in love with the
nature and lifestyle?of?her surroundings.???
Things didn't go quite as planned, though, and she didn't make it
to her final destination?in Galle on the southern coast?as early
as hoped.?Soon, she would learn, the?delay?may have saved her
That morning, an earthquake had struck off the coast of
Indonesia. At 9.1 magnitude, it was the third largest earthquake
on record since 1900. Earthquake damage was extensive but the
tsunami?it triggered, a series of giant, swift-moving
waves,?took?the carnage even farther, hitting?14?countries in
Southeast Asia and ultimately leading to the death or
disappearance of more than 230,000 people, including dozens of
United States citizens.???
In Sri Lanka, more than 30,000 men, women, and children, perished
from the wave. As she looked at the destruction around her, Dr.
Wentz immediately thought of the?anguish that was sure to come,
in the form of simply getting supplies to the living, and the
emotional and?mental?health impact this event would have on those
left behind, not just in the immediate future, but for decades to
come.?While many tourists left as quickly as they could,
returning home, shaken and in shock, she knew that she couldn't
leave just yet.???
"It was very traumatizing,?but I felt I had to stay," she said.
"Having survived?I felt, that there was a reason for me to be
While mental health services are well-established in the United
States, this is not true of Sri Lanka, said?Venerable
Ethkandawaka?Saddhajeewa,?DB, Min, MSW.???
"Although Sri Lanka is a country steeped in tradition, over the
last three decades it has become increasingly
globalized,"?Saddhajeewa?explained. "This has resulted in a
growing trend of extended families becoming nuclear families and
a fracture of the networks of support previously in
In the past, everything from emotional to financial problems?were
resolved through "intervention of the village headman, high
priest or other elders based on the severity and nature of the
issue,"?he said,?but?with "decreased reliance on the extended
family and village, we have seen an increase in the needs,
concerns and best interests?of the individuals?taking priority
over that of the group."???
Because?a?structured?mental health support system was never
needed before,?that situation?had?left those in need
With this knowledge in mind, Dr. Wentz?identified three phases
that needed to occur to ensure the safety of?the residents of the
country she had grown to love:???
1. Immediate relief:?Providing?medical supplies?and care, food
and shelter to survivors and those affected by the
2.?Creating a?support system: Training of?volunteers and
professionals to?direct and support those with lasting mental
health issues from the tsunami, particularly in rural
3. Ongoing?support:?Providing continued training?to broaden
relief to all Sri Lankans struggling with?mental health and
substance abuse issues, whether or not?tsunami related.???
To?initiate?phase one, Dr. Wentz went to work?without delay.?In
the days following the tsunami, not only did she?provide help
wherever she could to aid workers, but she began to lay the
groundwork for a long-term system by speaking with the Prime
Minister's Office about mental health issues. Additionally, she
appeared on national TV there to speak about mental health
warning signs. Dr. Wentz?also compiled an extensive list of the
exact medications and supplies needed and sent it home
to?members?of?NJAMHAA's Pharmaceutical Advisory Council (now the
Life Sciences and Innovation Council).???
Next,?she returned home and worked with the?NJMHI?Board
to?fundraise and?with a team to create a?cost-effective?program
that would?ensure?long-term?help to?as many people as
possible.?The Tsunami Mental Health Relief Project, supported by
the Tsunami Mental Health Relief Fund,?was?born.???
Fifteen years later,?the now Sri Lanka Mental Health Relief
Project?has helped over 207,500 people with?an astoundingly
low?total?budget of $30,000,?which all came from personal
donors?and through NJMHI members and other New Jersey
"The people of New Jersey,?and elsewhere, from where most of our
much?needed and greatly?appreciated?donations came, are
unbelievably generous,"?said Dr. Wentz.?"New Jersey is such a
diverse state,?home to immigrants and children of immigrants?and
friends of immigrants. This?is sometimes overlooked?in favor of
stereotypes, but it's true,?and I think this?diversity is why
people are so open to helping those they don't know, both locally
and all the way?across the world in Sri Lanka."???
"We are?of?the world?and so world events always touch us in one
way or another,"?she added.??"One thing that appeals to
supporters?of the?Sri Lanka Mental Health Relief Project is that
it's?'small investment, big impact,'" she said.?Here is a small
non-profit?in New Jersey?with minimal funding fighting for?and
succeeding to create?mental health stability?in a country
reeling?with high suicide rates,?civil
war,?and?lasting?trauma?from a natural disaster?that has led
to?poverty, substance abuse, and other long-term issues.????
Whether donors?are able to?give?$5 or $500?or more, they know
that their money?will go to good use. Overall, with only
a?total?budget of $30,000, the project has been able to?provide
training?to professionals and volunteers in Sri
Lanka,?create?brochures?in three languages?for distribution, rent
facilities, buy?supplies, hire translators, and provide travel
expenses for trainers.?
The?experience has been emotional and exhilarating for?Dr. Wentz,
buoyed to know that they have been able to do so much with such a
limited budget and make a big difference across the world in a
country that most Americans really have no or little knowledge
Initially, working with the Neurosurgery Development Foundation,
a non-governmental Sri Lankan charitable organization,?the NJMHI
team, which included?a trauma treatment expert and cultural
ambassador,?trained 106 local counselors, medical professionals,
teachers, corporate?representatives, community and religious
leaders, and volunteers in?identifying people who are struggling
with mental health and addiction issues. Training, which was
provided in English, Sinhala, and Tamil, covered the symptoms of
post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety,?and?depression,?as well
as an assortment of mental illnesses and substance use
disorders,?and how to refer individuals for further help.???
Several members of the?training, particularly those in the
medical field, were then able to take their knowledge and lead
their own programs.???
The?training?program was forced to go on hiatus?for several
years?when?the country broke out in civil?strife?and became?less
safe?for visitors, during which time the program switched focus
and?developed and distributed?culturally-sensitive brochures?to
help?individuals identify mental health?issues?in loved ones and
neighbors. If their volunteers couldn't be on the ground, at
least their message could.???
Finally, last year,?a new opportunity arose to continue Dr.
Wentz's mission.?A proposal, "Program for Community Leaders to
Enhance their Capacity as Facilitators of Basic Mental Health
Needs/Requirements" was received and accepted.?A re-vamped
version of the?training?focused on rural Sri Lanka?had found a
new, long-term?home?in the?Sri Lanka Centre for Development
Facilitation (SLCDF), a non-governmental Sri Lankan non-profit
organization that is committed to addressing poverty and other
related social and economic issues.????
The Centre's?Devika Rodrigo said that?training?offered this
year?provided participants with ways to succeed not only as
professionals, but also at home as family members living in rural
"The participants were from villages and at the same time they
serve villagers," Rodrigo said. "They said?these programs have
enabled them to be more inclined to listen to various issues
related to the lives of low-income women, especially those in the
rural areas where they serve."???
That life-changing curriculum, which?included three parts,?was
developed by Sister Janet?Nethisinghe,?a?counselor,
psychotherapist, and?former president of the Sri Lanka EMDR
Association, and was developed in conjunction with professionals
assembled by the Centre. Designed to address longer-term needs in
the country, it includes an introduction to counseling,?enhancing
knowledge of social and health issues and mental illness in Sri
Lanka,?building awareness of community counseling,?treating
addictions,?and more.????
According to Sister Janet,?the feedback from these trainings was
overwhelmingly positive. The sessions allowed participants to
better understand those they were serving by providing
insight?into their own?selves and?behavior,?she said.?They
learned to manage anger, how to slow down decision making, to
communicate problems with others, and to look at life?in new
ways. And then they brought that knowledge home with them to
share with others.???
"There is much work still to be done," said Dr. Wentz. "There are
no fast-track cures for the kind of devastation endured by Sri
Lanka, and for that matter, in other countries such as Puerto
Rico and Bermuda. It's never a quick fix. It takes time to heal,
not just from the immediate needs, but in most cases, the
long-term effects. Life does not simply move on for some?of?these
Added?Inoka?Barclay, NJMHI's Cultural Ambassador and
Administrative Officer who attended all?three sessions of the
final project in Nov. 2018 and January and June 2019, "The
collaborative efforts of NJMHI?and SLCDF?are?paving the way for
healthier rural communities in Sri Lanka. It was humbling and
rewarding to witness the heartfelt gratitude from the community
leaders. The graduates are empowered and equipped to help the
community at a basic level and with further training and
assistance from NJHMI?we can help?eradicate?the stigma
surrounding mental illness and help the public at a larger scale.
It is a vital component of this pilot project that the community
leaders stay in touch and get regular assistance from SLCDF.
Almost every participant begged for the continuation of the
Dr. Wentz has been recognized for her work in the mental health
field by numerous organizations, statewide and nationally, but
she's never been in it?for recognition. Her passion is
good?mental?health for all. This is what drives her to create
success stories. She would be doing the same thing?whether
recognized or not.?From the moment the tsunami hit her beloved
Sri Lanka, she knew she would never forget that day.?Of course,
in?a way,?she's?stuck?living in the past. After all, her?life's
mission is to help those directly and indirectly affected by the
tsunami move on with their lives.
And so, Dr. Wentz must also re-face that moment?every?training
that?she?coordinates, in?television?interviews,?and every board
meeting at which the project is discussed. But?if that means
helping others move forward, then?it's more than worth it.???
To?learn more about this effort or to donate to the Sri Lanka
Mental?Health Relief Project, please?visit
https://tinyurl.com/y38ovqbu or contact the NJMHI
at?609-838-5488?or email Dr. Wentz directly,